rachel headshot

Hi, I'm Rachel.

I'm a motivated developer and designer with proven history of creating custom, accessible websites and features. I'm experienced with HTML5, CSS3, JS, PHP, and WordPress. I'm willing to dive into any project and I'm always learning something new.

JCU microsites

JCU Microsites  

Microsites I developed using CSS Grid to highlight specific programs.

admission homepage

JCU Admission   

I developed a mobile responsive WordPress theme with custom post types for the JCU admission site in 2018, resulting in increased traffic and student applications.

honeymoon grille homepage

Honeymoon Grille   

Basic WordPress site I launched and maintain for a client, with a few customizations.

landing page for Boler College

Part-Time MBA   

A landing page promoting the Part-Time MBA for the Boler College of Business.

previous design work

Previous design work   

Behance portfolio with design work from 2010-2016.